**** delivery time for new orders 10-15 working days **** Increased response times for support and age verification ****

Customers Information

Important information for customers with login in the old store

Dear customers,

unfortunately we were not able to transfer your login data from the old store.

Please create a new account. 

If you register with the same email address and address data, this account will be automatically reassigned to your customer data in the merchandise management system.

Your orders existing at the time of the changeover will continue to be executed in the merchandise management system. In your new store account, these are not visible, here appear only the orders that were also placed in the new store.

Even if your old orders are no longer visible in the store account, they will continue to be executed as normal. In case of status changes of the orders, e.g. delivery, you will receive an information by e-mail.

Age check

If you have already provided us with proof of age within 2021, you do not need to upload or send us any new data. We will then activate your account again.

Otherwise, we ask you to send us the relevant documents again.